Beiträge von FabrinRodriguez

    I'm after some advice.

    I want to make an HTML5 game for someone with special needs.

    I have limited programming skills (HTML & CSS) and hopefully I will also learn JavaScript to make a game using the Phaser 3 framework.

    The game is undecided essay writer at this point.

    We are currently using two devices on a Windows PC.

    A viewing device connected via USB. Windows 10 has built-in software to run this device and it already works with the web browser.

    The second is a bluetooth receiver that you can plug in various button switches and act as an on / off switch.

    If I were to create an HTML 5 game, would I need additional libraries or plugins or code to allow the game to be controlled by a glance or a switch instead of a keyboard?

    Thanks for any help