Beiträge von alexsunny123


    If I want to insert an image or make a reference to my design.css file, I always have to enter the path.

    On <! - w -> <a class="postlink" href=""> </a> <! - - w -> but only the folder / file is specified such as: <img src = "bilder / html-seminar.jpg" />

    But now there can be thousands of folders with the name `bilder´ on my hard drive. Do I always have to enter the entire path?

    Which brings me straight to my next question; What do I do with folders that consist of more than one word, for example when I want to include a picture from the desktop:

    <img src = "c: / documents and settings /user/desktop/bild.jpg" />

    Would that be correct or do I have to write everything together or combine it with _?




    how are the connections there with all the ids?

    something here for example

    div # page why is there something # in there

    What is

    margin-left: 22em;

    padding: 0 1em;

    border: 1px dashed silver;

    what does the em = stand for?

    thank you for your help

