I am going to be making a chrome extension to automate a task. The task is going to run in the background (so I can work on the computer whilst it operates), and what its going to do is, click a button on a website, which will bring up another button and also click that. I want it to do this on loop, so click element id 1, then element id 2, wait 5 seconds, rinse and repeat. Is this possible with Javascript?
One of my ideas was to have a button in my extension that I can record the clicking of the element, which stores the element id as a variable, and then when I press go, it will begin the loop based in that. This will make it adaptive for other usage.
However, I am really new to JavaScript and I wouldn't know where to begin with this.
My first question, as stated above, is this possible? Secondly, how?
Could someone lead me in the direction, what should I be researching, specific keywords etc.
I have done a lot of programming, but never JS.